Braun Collection Video Shorts

Our Recommendations:

(Note: A “view” is, basically, viewing 80% or more of the video.)

If you are buying the video just for you to watch – choose "5 views," so you can view it a couple times.

If you want to pay for and provide the video to many people – choose ~1.5 views per person. For example, if you want to have 30 people view it, choose the "50 views" pricing option (in case some people view it twice). Simply provide the link you receive after payment to anyone whom you’d like to view it.

If you want to show it in a group setting – choose "5 views" or "10 views," so that you can test it a few times without losing access to the link.

If you want a people each to individually pay for and view the video – send them the link to this ordering page and instruct them to choose and pay for the "5 views" option.

If you don’t want to deal with streaming at all – choose the “Download: Unlimited Views” option.

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